Sunday, April 19, 2009

Procurement Continues To Draw Fire at CCHHS

Meeting of the Health and Hospitals System Board (CCHHS)

April 9, 2009

Six people gave Public Comment prior to the meeting and all addressed procurement issues. These included delays, transparency, and particularly the minority/women requirements in bids. Later in the meeting, the Board adopted a Procurement Policy that has been in process for several months and been determined by the States Attorney to be consistent with the County Code but places control in the CCHHS. It addresses among other issues equal opportunity, added transparency, protection for "whistle-blowers", non-solicitation for charities, and re-states the ethics code. It will be a public document and all procurement information will be put on the internet website as soon as practical and all communications will be memorialized. It will be implemented as staff is assembled under the new CEO who arrives early May. In the interim, contracts will continue to flow through the County office. Bringing this function under the CCHHS is intended to speed up the process and facilitate monitoring.

The Finance Committee will begin a review of all capital expenditures, past and proposed but not executed at a meeting on May 6.

The intergovernmental agreement with the County Board and State of Illinois is under review. Payment increases are anticipated from the State; where the funds are assigned is under negotiation.

The ad hoc Strategic Planning Committee, with the help of a consultant, ICS, has developed a three year plan which will begin with a retreat in May for Board and staff looking at data, direction and environment, finances and action. Public meetings will start in mid May to involve "stakeholders" and the public. Urgent issues suggested by the Board were mission, money source, partners, regional impact, and outcomes.

---Submitted by Observer Nancy Staunton

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