Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Commissioners Vote to End Sales Tax Increase

Cook County Board Meeting May 5, 2009

All commissioners were present, except for Commissioners Sims and Gainer.

The commissioners voted to approve President Stroger's appointment of Joseph Fratto as the Interim Chief Financial Officer.  The Deputy Chief of Staff will assume Fratto's former position until someone is hired permanently.

Item #4, regarding the President being elected by the County at large, and being the Chief Executive Officer of the County, was moved to the Finance Committee.  Commissioner Mareno said it should go to the Rules Committee, not Finance.  Six voted "no", and eight voted "aye".  The motion carried. ( Commissioner Mareno and Commissioner Peraica got into a shouting match.)

Item # 5 regarding Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts:  A representative said it was no longer sustainable financially due to the economic downturn.  Commissioner Peraica said it was unconstitutional.  ASA Driscoll said he should speak to the Planning & Development committee, that drafted it.  John Schneider, Director of Economic Development, responded that the fiscal impact would be determined on a case by case basis, and that the purpose of it was to keep business in Cook County.  Commissioner Peraica commented that the way to keep business here would be to eliminate the sales tax.

The Department of Revenue recommended decreasing the sales tax from 1.75 to 1.25 per cent.  Commissioner Maldonado moved to amend the item to remove the entire sales tax increase enacted in 2008.  There was a discussion, during which ASA Driscoll approved the vote on a proposed amendment.  President Stroger stated, "I'm very upset today", and proceeded to scream in the microphone about how this was a political move by the commissioners who were taking criticism for the tax increase.  Commissioner Claypool said that instead of increasing the sales tax, the County should streamline the bureaucracy and eliminate excess staff.  The Budget Director said that the impact of repealing the entire increase would be a 22% decrease from all departments' budgets.  He also stated that the County's bond rating could be affected negatively.  At this point, the President shouted in the microphone, "I'm tired of all this crap . . . I'm not taking this crap!"  The amended motion to repeal the entire sales tax passed despite the president's remarks.  Commissioner Peraica slapped a high five with a commissioner sitting behind him.  Twelve commissioners said the County needs to make cuts. 

The rest of the 60 items on the agenda were passed very quickly, with the exception of numbers 46  through 50, which were withdrawn.

--Submitted by Observer Beverly Graham

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