Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cook County Finance Committee Meeting on Proposed 2010 Budget, October, 26, 2009

A packet entitled "Cook County: 2010 Budget Appropriation" itemizing the 2010 sources of money and uses of funds was distributed to each commissioner. The total amount of money available for general use is $2,281,300,000 ($2.3 billion) and the "County Overall Picture" is $3,565,520,000 ($3.6 billion). [See 97 page pdf of "Citizen's Summary" here.] A page entitled "Bureau of Finance Goals" states that a goal of the Bureau of Finance is to facilitate a more efficient purchase process, an improved accounts payable process, and reduced risk management cost. A recurring theme in Chief Financial Officer Jaye Williams' presentation was the necessity of submitting budgets according to deadlines.

Various commissioners responded to the presentation. Finance Committee Chairman Daley questioned the five percent budget cuts and how the potential repeal of 1.25% of the sales tax would factor into the budget.

Commissioner Suffredin expressed a desire to start the budget process sooner and asked about new sources of revenue. He stated that the current budget process is three months behind last year's timeline. Comm. Suffredin also recommended better spending of special purpose funds. In addition, he is concerned that consumers in Cook County are purchasing merchandise out of state in order to circumvent paying the Cook County sales tax. More inspectors are needed to police such behaviors, Ms. Williams stated. Further, a new source of revenue will be generated from business licenses in the future.

Commissioner Sims wondered whether outside health insurance of county employees might be less expensive than insuring themselves.

The expense of maintaining buildings, particularly the Daley Center, was raised by Commissioner Gainer, who suggested that each department submit a cost breakdown of their facilities. She also suggested looking into the costs of employee health insurance. How does the cost of Cook County's health insurance for employees compare with other municipalities? was a key question.

Commissioner Goslin wondered if monthly reports rather than quarterly reviews would be more effective and reader-friendly. He wondered whether new positions had been created in the county's government.

Budget Director Takashi Reinbold stated that, at the time of the printing of the materials being discussed, not all of the necessary information had been submitted. The meeting was adjourned at 12:00.

--Submitted by Observer Stephanie Polito