Sunday, May 9, 2010

May 5 Meeting of the Cook County Forest Preserve Commission

Chairman Stroger did not show up so Commissioner Reyes ran the meeting. It started with a break for the Finance Committee agenda where Commissioner Peraica questioned whether there is enough reporting. It was explained that much of the Forest Preserve spending is seasonal as are revenues and that Cash Flow reports do not reflect the overall financial picture for the Forest Preserve (which is quite healthy). There was general satisfaction that the Forest Preserve finances are in good financial shape.

After various other business there was some interesting discussion during the vote on payment to lawyers for the Shakman compliance work. Commissioner Silvestri and others concur that the Shakman compliance is taking too long and is expensive. Commissioner Collins expressed her desire not to try to meet the requirements inhouse but to change personnel to get into compliance, as the Sheriff's office did. Commissioner Sims thought it would be a good idea to go back to court -- perhaps to get a change in the decree?

There was a long report on the Bass Fishing Sectionals which were apparently very successful. Also an award was given to an exemplary CCFP Police Officer.