Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cook County Board of Commissioners Meeting, October 18, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by President, Toni Preckwinkle. A retirement resolution was read for Kathleen McDonnell who worked in the office of the Clerk of CC.

Several Commissioners expressed concern about the new Procurement code change.  They wanted to be sure that the “bid box” will stay in the Board Room and not move to the Administrative offices. They were assured that the box and the opening bid process will continue to be handled in the Board Room.   Another Commissioner suggested that the process be taped and put on Cable TV.

All business handled during this morning meeting was voted on a pro forma basis and the Board meeting adjourned just after 11:30 a.m.  There was no discussion about Medicaid reimbursements or the status of the current or proposed budged except for the following:

·         The Commissioners were asked to ratify new contracts covering 1,900 Teamster employees for the period 2008 through 2012.  This is another of the issues that the President and Board inherited and covers employees working for the Circuit Clerk, Chief Judge, and in Preckwinkle’s administration.  However, the Administration is asking for this contract to be approved knowing that immediately it will ask all the County’s unions to reopen contracts to negotiate for 6 unpaid holidays and 2 furlough days in 2012.  Commissioner Suffredin questioned the reasoning of approval only to immediately ask for a change.  The Administration’s Human Resources Director was firm in her recommendation to follow this two-step approach.  She argued that the negotiated Teamster contract is a good one for the County and it needs to be finalized.  Further, unions including the Teamsters have signaled their refusal to go along with unpaid holidays and furlough days.  In the end, the Board voted to approve the contract.  President Preckwinkle stated that 500 layoffs are likely in either case, but the number will double without this concession.

·         Commissioner Earlean Collins proposed having department heads at committee meetings so that questions that arise can be addressed immediately.  The resolution was sent to the Rules Committee for review.

·         Commissioner Suffredin offered a resolution that would allow tickets issued by the Forest Preserve to be heard by a county administrative judge.  The resolution Passed.

·         Finally, the Board approved the appointment of Takashi Reinbold as Interim Comptroller until a permanent candidate can be appointed and approved.

Report Submitted by:

Diane Edmundson, LWV Chicago

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