Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Bureau of Economic Development: Tax Incentives need better transparency

The Bureau of Economic Development is made up of three departments:
  • Planning and Development
  • Building and Zoning
  • Zoning Board of Appeals
The head of each gave a summary of accomplishments and plans for the next year or so. There is a general goal to leverage resources, both public and private, across departments and regions (7 county metropolitan area). The three departments work directly with municipalities to increase economic positives such as jobs, retain and attract businesses, affordable housing, transportation. Some specific accomplishments are loans to 210 business; 35,000 residents helped with housing; flood studies; 192 units of affordable housing (in Arlington Hts. and Des Plaines). Outside funding comes from grants, Chase Bank, the MacArthur Foundation, MAP, federal funding (which is decreasing), state funding (also decreasing).

STAR reporting for Planning and Development includes these metrics:
  • number of businesses assisted
  • number of affordable housing units
  • number of construction jobs
  • number of beneficiaries helped
All of these increased and at least met the goals. For next year, all goals are not being increased.

STAR reporting for Zoning Board of Appeals includes these metrics:
  • proper notification to appealers
  • cases going before the board
  • percentage of satisfied participants
All of these are met at almost 100%, since nothing can go forward until the step before has been accomplished satisfactorily.

Building and Zoning deals with unincorporated land in Cook County and the Forest Preserve District. Goals include increased revenues due to simpler electronic web-based application process; decrease in violations due to better inspections; increased transparency in procedures. Changes will be
proposed to the Cook County Board to allow for better transparency and utility.

Some Commissioners asked questions about poverty/unemployment, tax exemptions, manufacturing and industrial growth, Land Bank interaction, affordable housing in unincorporated Cook County.

--Submitted by Karin Hribar

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