Thursday, October 22, 2015

Half the VAC budget for Administration; should more go to Vets?

Veterans Assistance Commission
2016 Budget Departmental Presentation - October 26, 2015

Supt. Abundio Zargosa presented a summary of what his agency, Veterans Assistance Commission, has accomplished this past year. Their mission is to provide assistance to veterans and their families in the form of rent, mortgage, food, transportation, bills, burial costs, etc. Out of a total of 213,855 veterans in Cook County, about 7,200 were given aid at an “average of $100” each. He expressed that the “lack of funding” from the County and cuts year after year make it “stressful” for the VAC. There are 3 full time and 1 part time staff members in this agency. Sargasso asked for $891,549 including 2 vehicles to transport veterans. The original Budget office proposal has been increased by $75,000 to a total of $400,000. Commissioner Suffredin introduced the idea of a separate tax levy for VAC
so as to provide more funds for this agency.

submitted by Karin Hribar

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