Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nov. 9, 2009 Finance Committee Meeting to Review the Proposed Budget--Offices under the President

Chief of Staff Joseph Fratto said that the budgets for these offices (Department of Human Rights, Ethics, Women’s Issues; Department of Public Affairs and Communications; and Office of the President) are down from 2009, but the Q-2A chart shows an increase of $175,472 in the Corporate Fund.  However, $251,611 is proposed for a new Film Commission Office that is expected to have a huge potential upside in revenue for the County through the creation and retention of jobs.  The point of the Office would be to market the County and for filming and related services, as well as to provide a central point of contact for necessary permits and regulatory approvals in the different municipalities for the film industry in seeking to film in Cook County.  Several of the Commissioners inquired whether the marketing and permitting/regulatory central point of contact could be done with existing employees, rather than creating new positions.  Mr. Fratto said he would look at that.

There were also many questions regarding the tripling of the budget in the special purpose fund for the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (from $354,000 to over $1 million).  Commissioner Gainer questioned the large salary increases that were proposed for existing employees without any showing that there was a need in order to retain these employees or to recruit new employees.  Commissioner Suffredin noted that $882,000 of this special purpose fund is supposed to be covered by anticipated reimbursements from the State, but the Commissioner expressed concern over whether these reimbursements would ever be received.  Further, apparently there are other budgeted positions that would be funded by grants that are not in the budget book.  Mr. Fratto was asked to delineate exactly what these are.

--Submitted by Observer Pris Mims