Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cook County Board Meeting --Jan. 19, 2011

A Long Wait to Begin Cook County Board Meeting Business.

As so often occurred under the previous administration, the business part of the Board meeting did not begin until after 11:30, 1 and 1/2 hours late. This was due to a Forest Preserve Real Estate Meeting running late and especially 3 resolutions honoring Cook County police, a heroic citizen, and the victims of the Tucson shooting.

Several new staff members, departments, and committees were introduced during this meeting. The elimination of Educational Service Regions by state law (due to mismanagement and redundancy in that office), has taken Cook County government out of the education business. These duties will be administered by the Intermediate Service Regions, which have long existed. A list of newly hired Grade 24 staff in the President's Office was presented. These include Chief Information Officer Greg Wass, Chief Administrative Officer Robin Kelly, Director of POET Karin Norington-Reaves, and Community Outreach Liaison Carina Sanchez. Other new staff are Purchasing Agent Lourdes Koss and Chief Financial Officer Tariq Malhance.

There is a big concern among the Board of Commissioners regarding Grade 24 hires and the adjustments to their salaries at the County Hospital System (HHS). Many commissioners feel those salaries are too high compared to other public and private hospitals. Comm. Gainer stated that benefits such as health care, pensions and vacation time are much better at HHS than private hospitals and need to be taken into account when comparing salaries. CEO of HHS William Foley defended the salaries and raises, but indicated that in the future this would be looked at more closely. There was also concern about the effect of overtime and comp time in the hospital system. Both need to be curtailed in order to stay within the new budget guidelines. Comm. Beavers pointed out that the 2-3 hour wait times to get prescription drugs at Oak Forest Hospital is very bad service. CEO Foley called this "unacceptable" and will look into it.

Another concern by many commissioners is the issue of contract extensions rather than going out for new bids. Comm. Tobolski would like a listing of when contracts are due so there would be enough time to re-bid them. It seems that during the past administration, the Compliance Department was not always accurate in approving vendors according to the Minority & Women Business Enterprise Ordinance and their ability to fulfill the contract.

President Preckwinkle announced her new Performance Management System ordinance which would connect outcomes, budgets, and performance for better services and efficiencies within the county. Other areas targeted for efficiency and cost reduction include printing services. This would consolidate the printing being done by all elected officials in the County government; not all officials are on-board with this new procedure. At a previous meeting, consolidation of vehicle purchases was announced.

A proposed resolution was presented by Pres. Preckwinkle called the Cook County Frontline Award. This would encourage Cook County employees to develop "innovative, high impact initiatives that will help achieve fiscal responsibility, innovative leadership, transparency, accountability and improved services." This will be an annual award; the winner getting public recognition and lunch with Pres. Preckwinkle. The intent is to get the county's finances under control in this tough budgetary climate. A 16% reduction of the budget (21% for the rest of this fiscal year) has been mandated by Pres. Preckwinkle; this is for all elected officials and departments in the county.

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